Rotho | Cutting board
Making use of the sink to create more space and simplify food preparation in small kitchens.
5 weeks | Individual Project | Umeå Institute of Design | Spring 2022

Collaborating with Rotho for our first semester project during my bachelor, the brief was to solve a problem experienced in the kitchen and to design for easy disassembly in the end of a product's lifecycle.
Tools learned
We started out by interviewing users, analyzing the insights and choosing a problem to focus on. We identified three main pain points, out of which I chose to work with the challenges connected to cooking in a small kitchen.

What if we could utilize the sink
to extend the work space?
to extend the work space?

The ideation continued around this focus, refining the idea with the goal to design a tool that can create more space.
Refining form

Final concept
A cutting board which creates more working space by making use of the area over the sink.

Matching bowls and colanders can be integrated into the cutting board to simplify the food preparation. As the bowls are filled, they can be moved directly to the table and replaced with a new one, leaving space on the cutting board for the next step in the process.
When cutting ingredients which hold a lot of liquid, the fitting colanders can be used to let redundant liquid run through, making further use of working over the sink.